here is the link: http://candyshoppedesigns.blogspot.com/
Ok so there is an awesome blog hop over at candy shoppe designs
Here are my answers to some of the questions!1. Did you marry your first true love? of course! well in mind I did anyway--I mean any day now david boreanz will come knock on my door but of course I may not be available if Derek Jeter beats him to the door and then again Vin Diesel may just knock them both out! hehehe!
2. Favorite words or sayings that you say often?
I tend to lean towards some words that I think show my age: dork, whatever, meathead, freak, and negative ghost rider the pattern is full! hehehe that always gets me some strange looks
3. Four random examples of what makes me,me?
I love football--especially the cowboys
my hands and feet are always cold--brrrr!
chocolate is my favorite--candy/drink/color (ok not my only fav color but one of them)
I love being a labor and delivery nurse! new life is amazing!
another big one is how much God means to me and how important he is in my life!
4. who is your celebrity crush?
in case you didn't catch it in my previous answer: vin diesel/derek jeter/david boreanz hmmmmm so many to chose from hehe! edward cullen/jacob black/batman!
you can win this!!!

this was so much fun and learning about everyone too! so come one come all!